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Making the most of Milagro.


Call me a spa snob, but I need my spa visit to be a complete experience. I’m spoiled since my first spa treatment ever was at the Phoenician in Scottsdale and while I have less time to travel these days, I have visited some of the top spas in the US. No matter how fantastic the therapist or how great the treatment, if there isn’t a heavenly place for me to chill (nap) before and/or after my service, I’m disappointed. Bonus points if I can literally camp out for hours, read, nap, shower, and then exit a completely new person. To me, these things are equally as important as the service itself. I want to get my money’s worth.

This is why if you’re used to quick in-and-out spa visits, you’ll be caught off guard when you come to Milagro. We pride ourselves on doing things differently, so it’s helpful for you to know what to expect when you book an appointment with us. Plus, we hear all the time the number one hindrance to regular spa visits is limited free time, so here are some tips on how to get the most out of the time you have carved out:

1. Arrive early. Leave plenty of time to change into your robe, leave your things in a locker, and get comfortable in our lounge before your service is scheduled to begin. First visit? You will be asked to fill out a brief form before entering the spa. Regular visitor? Awesome. You’ll enjoy your treatment so much more if you’ve had time to unwind and turn off the outside world before beginning your service. If you’re anything like me and it takes you awhile to fully relax during a massage or facial, time in our spa lounge (or even better, in the steam shower) will help get you “relaxation ready”. Then you can enjoy your treatment from the moment it begins. We recommend checking in at least 20 minutes before your service, but honestly, if you’re gonna be early somewhere, it may as well be the spa. Come as early as you’d like.

2. Use the steam shower, preferably before your service. Any service. Every service. We built it for good reason. The heat will begin the process of warming and loosening the muscles which will make your therapist’s job easier. If you’re specifically looking for deep tissue work and have tense problem areas, 10 minutes in the steam will make a world of difference in the results you receive from your treatment.

3. Allow time to “recover” in the spa lounge after your service. Most people are in no state to return to the real world quickly after a treatment. Bonus? Something about the uninterrupted quiet time in a spa service opens the floodgates of creative thinking and planning. Bring a journal or an inspiring book and choose a comfy glider chair. Spend some quality time with yourself in this relaxed state of mind and you’ll be amazed at how well your brain functions.

4. Leave your device at home. Or in the car. Or at the very least, in your locker. Our robes have no pockets and we did that on purpose. Truly, truly unplugging means actually unplugging. “But I read books on my phone!” I get it, I know. But there is something to be said for going completely hands free for a bit. Trust me. You’ll enjoy your visit much, much more.

5. Come often. Your life is a result of your habits. Self-care is not effective when practiced once a year. I could link to a bazillion studies on how chronic stress is one of the most damaging things we do to our bodies. It doesn’t matter how healthy you eat or how fit you keep your muscles if your system is constantly overloaded with cortisol. Call me biased, but a spa visit beats a kale salad or a spin class any day.

I’m begging you, friends – when you visit Milagro for a spa service, please don’t rush in and rush out. You’re missing the point. We’ve built so much additional experience into your service. If you skip it, you’re short changing yourself.

Make Milagro your mini-vacation. Carve out the time to have the full experience. You’ll be so glad you did.


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© 2019 by Ashley Smith & Milagro Midwestern Spa Collective


8006 Foster St.

Overland Park, KS 66204

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