I’ve never been a cool kid. It’s just not really my thing. Let me take you on a little Ashley journey:
My elementary school BFF was Pj (just Pj, full name, not short for anything). A few weekends ago, I got to see Pj and her ridiculous twins Van & Edie in NYC where they live.

Pj came to visit in the middle of my cancer treatment, circa 2009.

And here we are 20 years earlier. 1989. My 12th birthday.

Pj has always been immensely cooler than I. Obviously.
I have a vivid memory of being at Pj’s house after school when she asked if I wanted to watch Pauly Shore. “Sure, I love her” I replied. We didn’t get MTV at my house.
My favorite piece of uncool evidence? Here we are on Halloween in 2nd grade.

That’s me in my tinfoil cone. As a princess. Pj? She’s Cyndi Lauper.
Why did I take you on this journey? It explains a little piece of Milagro. My uncoolness is what’s led me to a desperate need to make people feel comfortable. With who they are. With where they are. With what they love. And I know it’s why you feel so free to let go and relax at Milagro. We’re not the “newest, hottest place in town”. We’re not the see-and-be-seen hotspot. You’re encouraged to let your uncoolness out. Loud and proud, for all to see.
It’s my favorite thing about you.
5th grade Ashley
